PETER VIRDEE: The Complete Singh


Health & Fitness

What kind of sports do you enjoy?

Across the board, I love every sport. It’s definitely at the top of my list for leisure activities. As difficult as it gets sometimes for me to make time, I try to watch all the big games. England versus whomever, India versus Pakistan, any of the major league games, I will always try to make it a point of going.

You spoke about fitness but what about health? How do you take care of your health and how important is it?

I lead a healthy existence these days – no alcohol, few carbs and early nights. Health is very important to me, so when it concerns my diet, I’m very particular in what I eat. I find my nutrition to be one of the most important qualities in my life. I don’t consume meat so I’m a pescatarian. As far as liquids go, I use to be a heavy coffee drinker but I stopped that many years ago, as I much prefer to drink fresh mint tea, peppermint or lemon and ginger tea; at the same time, I also have a large intake of water on a daily basis and very much enjoy fresh fruit juices. Overall, I’m very health conscious, so I try to maintain a balanced diet as much as I can and try to consume foods that contain pure, raw and natural ingredients. Every once in a while I will have a “cheat meal.”  This is a good thing though because it keeps me sane! (Laughs) But that may be only once a month or every other month – it’s not often at all.